Monday, October 4, 2010

Why men can't ask for directions

In the days before we had GPSs in our cars men could not stop and ask for directions. They could stop and purchase a map but not ask for directions.

It's an old joke but it's very true - "If men need to ask for directions they need to bring along a woman". Women today have no problem asking for directions and some prefer this over a GPS. For men, Map Quest and Google maps were a God send. Now the GPS is the clear winner and enables men to show no weakness. Because - it's all about not showing any fear or weakness. This does not apply to all men but most men, including me.

Remember, men the male animal, are hunters and for thousands of years have gone out to provide for their families. To survive back in the day, men could not show fear or weakness. That is weakness in front of wild animals or fear in front of caveman enemies. Even today if men are being audited by IRS they can't show any signs of weakness.

Today men may seem a little more sensitive then cavemen, but when push comes to shove, you can't take the caveman out of modern man. Modern man still can't ask for help or directions. It's still a sign of weakness that is not tolerated in today's society, either at the office or in a prison. Everyone today still respects a strong, self-confident individual who shows no fear or weakness.

The more we understand about our past the easier it is to get alone with others and members of the opposite sex.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist


  1. Is it correct to assume then, that the cave woman would distance herself from the male who shows weakness?

  2. Yes, you are correct. No respectable cavewoman or today's modern woman searches for a weak mate. Since the dawn of time the strong have survived and the weak have perished.

    Things are no different today and when we realize this, things make sense in understanding and dealing with members of the opposite sex.
