Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My theories on behavior were sparked by a dog picking up newspapers

The idea for this blog came along quite by accident. My next-door neighbor had just gotten a new pup, a Vizsla. Early one morning we both came out at the same time to get our newspapers. As it turned out his dog had run out and picked up all the newspapers in our cul-de-sac, my neighbor was in the process of putting the newspapers back in each of our driveways, he was a little embarrassed by his dog’s behavior. To me it was very funny watching him trying to keep his dog from doing her “job” as a retriever, retrieving newspapers.

The Vizsla is a wonderful hunting dog. The American Kennel Club considers the Vizsla a part of the sporting dog group. They were bred for field activities and even today participate in hunting and field activities. Well for my neighbor, his dog is a house pet; in the last 100 years dogs have gone from working animals to house pets. It is very hard for a working dog to get past hundreds of years of breeding to now sit quietly and keep the family company.

Dogs were bred for hunting, protection and herding animals. Domestic dogs started out as workers, helping man. Many years’ later dogs became companions and lap dogs and some were bred for that purpose.

In looking at human behavior I began to realize how much we are affected by this same history. As humans we have been walking around the earth for thousands of years. In the last few centuries we have become more “modern” or “civilized” or have we?  Man started as a hunter and woman started as a gatherer, but why? Does this account for our current behavior? Are we more like early man than we would like to admit? Does a lot of this behavior live on in our subconscious?

I think we still behave like Early Man, and in reading this blog I think you will come to appreciate my point of view, it passes the common sense test. I am a Baby Boomer; which influences my perspective on life, which I don’t think is all that bad. I am not an anthropologist by training but in writing this blog I have learned a great deal about behavior and about myself.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Words of wisdom on relationships

Men and women still have a hard time understanding each other not just on a first date but thought out the course of a relationship.

Man and women are of course different animals. For thousands of years men have been hunters and women have been gatherers. Yes maybe we don't exactly hunt and gather as we did as cave people but our behavior still supports this reality.

When it comes to relationships today if all you remember about the opposite sex is this, you will have a much greater insight into your significant other.

Men think women won't change and they do

Women think men will change and they don't

Think about it; understand it and it will improve your relationship with the opposite sex.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Friday, December 17, 2010

Myths on sex - top nine

Myths on sex - top nine

I ran across this on-line article on the top nine sex myths and had to post a link. I think it is right on.


Good reading, enjoy

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New discovery - cavemen DNA linked to people today

When you are driving and think the person in front of you is acting like a Neanderthal you may be right. For anyone who has been reading this blog my theories are: our behavior is still tied to our days as cavemen and cavewomen. Yes our technology has advanced but has our behavior? I think not.

This just in, scientists in Germany at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, have decoded fragments of 40,000 year old DNA found in Neanderthal skeletons in Croatia and discovered that some of the genetic material exists in people walking around today. Anthropologists previously believed that early humans, who lived in prehistoric Europe and the Middle Ease until about 30,000 year ago simply died out, but the latest finding show that interbreeding must have taken place. And here we are today related to early man.

Yes folks, that is a Neanderthal driving in front of you talking on their cell phone and ignoring traffic all around them.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Woman the Gatherer - Man the Hunter

Women have been gathering since the beginning. Ever wonder why women always talk while they work and men don’t. We just looked at why men are silent, so they don’t scare off the animals while hunting. Women on the other hand wanted to scare off the wild animals. While out in the field gathering they probably talked with each other in loud voices. This would scare off the animals and help them keep track of each other at the same time.
Gathering is much different than hunting. When hunting you focus on a single task and give it your all. But gathering is more like modern shopping; you have to look at everything before you decide what you really need. Modern shopping and early gathering are so closely linked to each other it’s real scary. Even the process has not changed with modern technology. Yes modern woman drive to the mall but the process has not changed one single bit!

My wife in her youth was subject to her mother’s habit of dressing up her girls in their Sunday best to go downtown to window shop. That was the common way to shop before the shopping mall was invented. It is also were the term window shopping came from. It was a rite of passage for the females in the family. My wife and her sisters hated it so much they never passed it along to their children. I am sure my Mother in Law learned it from her mother.

This may be the same reason that women go to the bathroom together. Men have better plumbing and can relieve themselves in short order. Women on the other hand need to take a moment and stoop down and in doing so would have put themselves in more danger from wild animals while they are off balance. Women probably went to relieve themselves as a group to provide some protection for each other and to warn off the animals.

A good friend of mine is a jogger and has been running though his neighborhood for many years. He is also an observant person. He runs in the city of Del Mar; a very up scale area north of San Diego in Southern California. Over the years he has noticed that men usually run by themselves and women run in groups. I am sure some of this is due to the need for personal protection, but Del Mar is a very safe area. I think women run today for the same reasons they ran together thousands of years ago.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sex is a big deal for our animal friends

We can learn a lot about ourselves from the behavior of animals. In looking at animal behavior it is much easier to be object and not cloud our impressions with all our human baggage.

Recent research on animal behavior has shattered the myth that animals are monogamous. For the longest time there was this romantic belief that once animals mate, it’s for life. Our only means of research has been to observe behavior. The new research is based on DNA and is much more scientific.

Of the 4000 or so mammals alive today only about a dozen are monogamous. We have always assumed that monkeys and Chimpanzees fool around, but this research has proven that Chimps copulate between 500 and 1000 times for each live birth, with every male in their group. The reasons are most interesting, food, power, protection and comfort, sound familiar? 

Yes, we are not primates but sometimes our behavior is closer to that of the primates than we would like to believe. It is common theory that early man behaved like animals in many ways. It is only since becoming “modern man” that we have taken to marriage and monogamous relationships. And not all marriages are monogamous, the divorce rate and extra martial affairs are quite common. My monogamous marriage of more than 40 years is unfortunately an exception and not the rule.

It is possible to have a relationship like mine but with early man living with the animals and probably learning some activities from them; it goes against thousands of years of our primitive behavior.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Saturday, November 6, 2010

For many men monogamy is very difficult - because it is so new

Monogamy, or having only one sex partner, has only been around for about 1900 years.  Even in the days of the early church priests had more than one wife, it was just what everyone did.

Thousands of years ago women often mated with several men in their tribe, that way no one knew who the kids belonged to so men took care of and protected all the children in the tribe. These cavewomen were smart and knew how to handle their men even back in the day.

Our male sex drive today is very strong and is ment to reproduce; it has kept us going for all these years. If we did not have this strong sex drive we would not have survived as a species. Also having large families were part of our survival because many children died both at a young age and in childbirth. So if we had a dozen or more kids we would ensure that at least a few children would survive and keep the linage going.

Today many men and women have one sex partner and a lot of us are happy with this arrangement. BUT after thousands of year of great sex with anyone in the tribe at anytime of the day or night,  it's hard to be monogamous. It's just not who we started out as.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Our survival instinct has not changed since our cavemen days and we still fear new ideas

Thousands of years ago man walked the planet scratching out a living from the land. Survival was not just a popular TV show; it was everything.  Man was technologically challenged by today’s standards. Only the strongest survived, which is an adage still true today, especially on Wall Street.  Man learned and developed technology to make his life easier. Fire probably played a big role is making life better for early man. I believe when fire was discovered and harnessed by early man, many said it was only a fad and would never have an impact on people’s lives. The naysayers said it was a cheap gimmick and they would not be caught dead with such a dangerous evil thing like fire. Today the naysayers are still alive and well in Washington D.C.

Man usually reacts to new ideas in the same way. It would be my guess the common wisdom of the day for early man was; fire is evil, hard to prove, but a normal human reaction to the unknown concept of fire.

When electricity was discovered and harnessed for the first time the common wisdom of the day reflected human nature at its best, no one could see any use for electricity. Very similar to the reaction of IBM and AT&T when asked to help network computers together in the late 1960’s they could see no reason to have a computer network. The starting date of the Internet is usually considered January of 1983, but had IBM taken up the cause in the 1960’s they could have invented the internet instead of Al Gore.

Man has always feared the unknown, only with knowledge and understanding comes acceptance. The early men who used fire as a tool were way ahead of the others; they were the early adaptors to this new technology.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our Obsession with Stuff - But not to the level of the cable TV show "Hoarding"

We seem to spend our entire lives getting stuff, storing stuff, giving old stuff to the Good Will, organizing stuff, and passing stuff along to our children and just dealing with stuff.

We are pack rats and when you hear the term pack rats we probably learned to be pack rats from small furry animals. We are so into our stuff that I want to scream, it seems to go on and on. We even have storage areas we can rent to help us keep our stuff. People will put stuff away for years in storage and can’t remember what kind of stuff they have.

Some people are very obsessed by their stuff, but even the “normal” people get hung up on stuff. My Sister has a rule about stuff, it you haven't used it in a year get rid of it. It's a good rule, but most people can’t fight thousands of years of needing stuff to survive.

My theory on stuff comes from our early days of having nothing. Without our stuff like animal skins, stone axes, stone knives and such, we would not survive. I think it's really a survival instinct that goes way back in our subconscious and our early days as cavemen and cavewomen.

Today we can survive without a lot of stuff but we can’t change our subconscious impulses to collect it.

We are all still into our stuff. But most of us fall short of the current cable TV shows about hoarding, which I find just fascinating.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why men can't ask for directions

In the days before we had GPSs in our cars men could not stop and ask for directions. They could stop and purchase a map but not ask for directions.

It's an old joke but it's very true - "If men need to ask for directions they need to bring along a woman". Women today have no problem asking for directions and some prefer this over a GPS. For men, Map Quest and Google maps were a God send. Now the GPS is the clear winner and enables men to show no weakness. Because - it's all about not showing any fear or weakness. This does not apply to all men but most men, including me.

Remember, men the male animal, are hunters and for thousands of years have gone out to provide for their families. To survive back in the day, men could not show fear or weakness. That is weakness in front of wild animals or fear in front of caveman enemies. Even today if men are being audited by IRS they can't show any signs of weakness.

Today men may seem a little more sensitive then cavemen, but when push comes to shove, you can't take the caveman out of modern man. Modern man still can't ask for help or directions. It's still a sign of weakness that is not tolerated in today's society, either at the office or in a prison. Everyone today still respects a strong, self-confident individual who shows no fear or weakness.

The more we understand about our past the easier it is to get alone with others and members of the opposite sex.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why is television advertising so effective?

Television the Electronic Tribe, applies to both men and women.

Our technology has advanced and will continue to do so. I think we see our technology advancing and we think we are advancing. In many respects we are but man is still man.

Television is the politically correct tribe of today. How could TV be a tribe you ask? Well it is quite simple, today we have less need for physical support from our tribe since we do less traditional hunting and gathering but we still need emotional support. Every night we sit in front of our TV sets and join the tribe of “Desperate Housewives” or “Modern Family” or "Fringe"

Early man sat in front of the fire and listened to the tribal elders talk about important matters. They looked at faces across the flickering light of the fire and felt safe and secure with their leaders. Today we sit in the flickering light of the TV and listen and relate to the faces we see in front of us as they discuss the important matters of their day. The only difference, as I see it, is today’s tribal members are just electronic images. They fulfill the same purpose and provide the same emotional support as the tribal evenings of old.

And that's why, in my opinion, television and its advertising is so effect.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dating advice for middle age men

My dating advice for middle age men

When men over the age of 45 decide to start dating after a breakup or divorce this is my advice. Never date anyone whose age is younger than your waist line.

If you are middle aged and want to date that beautiful young thing you had better be in great shape.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why do women go to the bathroom in groups?

Women go to the bathroom in groups today because they always have, it's still all about safety.

Back in the day when we were living in caves this provided safety from wild animals and strangers. Safely in numbers for women may go back thousands of years. Women have been gatherers since the beginning of time and I believe these early safety measures still influences their behavior today. Men on the other hand, have different plumbing and can relieve themselves in short order. Women need to take a moment and stoop down and in doing so would have put themselves in more danger while they are off balance.

So guys, when you are out for the evening and see a group of ladies going off to the powder room together you tell the men left behind that the ladies are still behaving like they did thousands of years ago.

This is an example of why we still behave like hunters and gatherers even today

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Understanding the opposite sex

When it comes to insight on the behavior of your significant other, this is an important concept to remember. If fact, if you don't remember anything else about relationships, try to remember these two phrases. I have been using them for many years and they still ring true today.

----Men think women won't change and they do…

----Women think men will change and they don't…

Men go along in life thinking their significant other will be the same from their first date to when they pass, not the case.

Women think they can change men or that men will eventually grow up, but they never do.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Men are still hunters and women are sill gatherers

Ever wonder why women always talk while they work and men usually don’t?

Women have been gathering since the beginning of time. Men were silent back in the day, so they didn't scare off animals while hunting. Women on the other hand wanted to scare off the wild animals. While out in the field gathering they probably talked with each other in loud voices. This would scare off any animals and help them keep track of each other. You still see women talking with each other today while they are gathering at Walmart. Only now it's on mobile phones and much more annoying.

The behavior of the sexes has not changed much. Today men still bond without much talking and women bond with a lot of conversation. I believe we are still influenced by the thousands of years we spent as hunters and gatherers.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Improving personal relationships and getting along with members of the opposite sex

The purpose of this blog is to shed light on our behavior and to understand a difficult boss or significant other. To better understand those around us and ourselves we must look to early man. We are all descendents of early hunter/gatherer societies that date back thousands of years, this much is fact.

Today’s technology is advanced and our knowledge base is enormous. However our behavior is still influenced by our early days as hunter/gatherers. Much of our behavior is still influenced by our subconscious and we are unaware of how much emotional baggage we still carry around from our early man days.

I feel our behavior has not advanced like our technology. With a better understanding of early man’s behavior we can learn to better cope with everyday life.

This blog is dedicated to the irony of man’s ego and how far we think we have progressed.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist


I would like to introduce myself. I am not, I repeat, I am not an anthropologist. I am a communications specialist with my own ideas on why we behavior the way we do. These are my own theories based on observations and comparisons to early man, AKA Cavemen

Have you ever wondered why women go the powder room in groups?

Have you ever wondered why TV advertising is so effective?

Have you ever wondered why men bond without talking?

Have you ever wondered why men hate shopping?

If you follow this blog you will lean the secrets to these questions and many more. You will also learn how to deal more effectively with the opposite sex.

Life will be much better and that's my promise

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist