Television the Electronic Tribe, applies to both men and women.
Our technology has advanced and will continue to do so. I think we see our technology advancing and we think we are advancing. In many respects we are but man is still man.
Television is the politically correct tribe of today. How could TV be a tribe you ask? Well it is quite simple, today we have less need for physical support from our tribe since we do less traditional hunting and gathering but we still need emotional support. Every night we sit in front of our TV sets and join the tribe of “Desperate Housewives” or “Modern Family” or "Fringe"
Early man sat in front of the fire and listened to the tribal elders talk about important matters. They looked at faces across the flickering light of the fire and felt safe and secure with their leaders. Today we sit in the flickering light of the TV and listen and relate to the faces we see in front of us as they discuss the important matters of their day. The only difference, as I see it, is today’s tribal members are just electronic images. They fulfill the same purpose and provide the same emotional support as the tribal evenings of old.
And that's why, in my opinion, television and its advertising is so effect.
The Kitchen Table Anthropologist