Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why is television advertising so effective?

Television the Electronic Tribe, applies to both men and women.

Our technology has advanced and will continue to do so. I think we see our technology advancing and we think we are advancing. In many respects we are but man is still man.

Television is the politically correct tribe of today. How could TV be a tribe you ask? Well it is quite simple, today we have less need for physical support from our tribe since we do less traditional hunting and gathering but we still need emotional support. Every night we sit in front of our TV sets and join the tribe of “Desperate Housewives” or “Modern Family” or "Fringe"

Early man sat in front of the fire and listened to the tribal elders talk about important matters. They looked at faces across the flickering light of the fire and felt safe and secure with their leaders. Today we sit in the flickering light of the TV and listen and relate to the faces we see in front of us as they discuss the important matters of their day. The only difference, as I see it, is today’s tribal members are just electronic images. They fulfill the same purpose and provide the same emotional support as the tribal evenings of old.

And that's why, in my opinion, television and its advertising is so effect.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dating advice for middle age men

My dating advice for middle age men

When men over the age of 45 decide to start dating after a breakup or divorce this is my advice. Never date anyone whose age is younger than your waist line.

If you are middle aged and want to date that beautiful young thing you had better be in great shape.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why do women go to the bathroom in groups?

Women go to the bathroom in groups today because they always have, it's still all about safety.

Back in the day when we were living in caves this provided safety from wild animals and strangers. Safely in numbers for women may go back thousands of years. Women have been gatherers since the beginning of time and I believe these early safety measures still influences their behavior today. Men on the other hand, have different plumbing and can relieve themselves in short order. Women need to take a moment and stoop down and in doing so would have put themselves in more danger while they are off balance.

So guys, when you are out for the evening and see a group of ladies going off to the powder room together you tell the men left behind that the ladies are still behaving like they did thousands of years ago.

This is an example of why we still behave like hunters and gatherers even today

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Understanding the opposite sex

When it comes to insight on the behavior of your significant other, this is an important concept to remember. If fact, if you don't remember anything else about relationships, try to remember these two phrases. I have been using them for many years and they still ring true today.

----Men think women won't change and they do…

----Women think men will change and they don't…

Men go along in life thinking their significant other will be the same from their first date to when they pass, not the case.

Women think they can change men or that men will eventually grow up, but they never do.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Men are still hunters and women are sill gatherers

Ever wonder why women always talk while they work and men usually don’t?

Women have been gathering since the beginning of time. Men were silent back in the day, so they didn't scare off animals while hunting. Women on the other hand wanted to scare off the wild animals. While out in the field gathering they probably talked with each other in loud voices. This would scare off any animals and help them keep track of each other. You still see women talking with each other today while they are gathering at Walmart. Only now it's on mobile phones and much more annoying.

The behavior of the sexes has not changed much. Today men still bond without much talking and women bond with a lot of conversation. I believe we are still influenced by the thousands of years we spent as hunters and gatherers.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Improving personal relationships and getting along with members of the opposite sex

The purpose of this blog is to shed light on our behavior and to understand a difficult boss or significant other. To better understand those around us and ourselves we must look to early man. We are all descendents of early hunter/gatherer societies that date back thousands of years, this much is fact.

Today’s technology is advanced and our knowledge base is enormous. However our behavior is still influenced by our early days as hunter/gatherers. Much of our behavior is still influenced by our subconscious and we are unaware of how much emotional baggage we still carry around from our early man days.

I feel our behavior has not advanced like our technology. With a better understanding of early man’s behavior we can learn to better cope with everyday life.

This blog is dedicated to the irony of man’s ego and how far we think we have progressed.

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist


I would like to introduce myself. I am not, I repeat, I am not an anthropologist. I am a communications specialist with my own ideas on why we behavior the way we do. These are my own theories based on observations and comparisons to early man, AKA Cavemen

Have you ever wondered why women go the powder room in groups?

Have you ever wondered why TV advertising is so effective?

Have you ever wondered why men bond without talking?

Have you ever wondered why men hate shopping?

If you follow this blog you will lean the secrets to these questions and many more. You will also learn how to deal more effectively with the opposite sex.

Life will be much better and that's my promise

The Kitchen Table Anthropologist